Detailed Property Boundary Maps & Reports for
Farms, Mines, Servitudes, EIA’s, etc.
We specialise in property boundary mapping, but also do custom mapping of farm land, urban areas and natural resources, basically ANY mapping.
Boundary Hunter
Our focus is on property boundary research and mapping throughout South Africa and Namibia. We assist individuals with property boundary issues. We also assist professional land surveyors and environmental consultants who might lack the time/capacity, with Surveyor General documentation research, coordinate transformations and preparation of statutory application maps/diagrams. We can also assist with any other mapping requirements within the agricultural-, natural resources- and town & regional planning environments, based on GPS technology and scale correct high resolution aerial photography. We are property boundary mappers that work with existing SG documentation only, and do not conduct any property boundary surveying at all.
Our Services
Detailed Property Boundary Maps & Reports For
- Aerial Image Property Boundary Maps
- Property Boundary GPS Coordinates
- Individually Verified Property Boundary Maps
- Subdivision Planning Maps
- Farm Planning Maps
- Servitude Boundary Maps
- Statutory Application Maps & Diagrams